
Digital Responsibility:

The RISCS collection

Inclusive Security:

Digital security meets web science

Digital Identity:

Ground-up perspectives

The Internet of Things:

Creating the necessary conditions for Secure by Default

Watching You Watching Me:

The art of playing the panopticon

Too Much Information:

Questioning security in a post-digital society

Walking the line:

The everyday security ties that bind

Critical visualisation:

A case for rethinking how we visualise risk and security

Examining the Contribution of Critical Visualisation to Information Security

Relations are more than Bytes:

Re-thinking the benefits of smart services with people and things

Accessing a New Land:

Designing for a social conceptualisation of access

Digital Liminalities:

Understanding isolated communities on the edge

Parker House Trust report, Sunderland, 2017

Direct Payments Report, Sunderland, 2014:

What kind of support do people need, and how can this be offered?

Granddaughters Beware!

An intergenerational case study of managing trust issues in the use of Facebook

Why Should I?

Cybersecurity, the security of the state and the insecurity of the citizen

Holding on to dissensus:

Participatory interactions in security design

My Place:

Designing for safety and security in a digitally-flecked world

Practice makes perfect:

Motivating confident privacy protection practices

Trap Hunting:

Finding personal data management issues in next generation AAC devices

Online privacy and consent:

A dialogue, not a monologue

Engaging people more actively in cyber security

Letting go:

Working with the rhythm of participants

Exploring Privacy:

Your privacy and the internet - Festival of Social Science, 2010

Collaging and Clowning in Middlesbrough Station:

VOME and the Festival of Social Science 2011

People Powered Algorithms:

Research showcase website

Families Disconnected by Prison

The significance of securing as a critical component of information security:

An Australian narrative

Sticking and making:

Technology as glue for families separated by prison

A Manifesto for New Approaches to Security Modeling

"Computer Says No"

Exploring social justice in digital services

Food Aid Technology:

The experience of a Syrian refugee community in coping with food insecurity

Digitalised Welfare:

Systems for both seeing and working with mess

Digital welfare:

Designing for more nuanced forms of access


Democratising research in digital innovation for social justice

Civic Empowerment through Digitalisation:

The case of Greenlandic women

When the Civic Turn turns Digital:

Designing safe and secure refugee resettlement

Drawing Out the Everyday Hyper-[In]Securities of Digital Identity

A Tactile Visual Library To Support User Experience Storytelling

Who says personas can't dance?

The use of comic strips to design information security personas

Innovating Cyber Security Engagement:

Briefing note for ICT4D

Logical Lego?

Co-constructed perspectives on service design

Teaching as a Collaborative Practice:

Reframing security practitioners as navigators

Making Digital Technology Research Human:

Learning from clowning as a social research intervention

Community-centric engagement:

Lessons learned from privacy awareness intervention design

In a New Land:

Mobile phones, amplified pressures and reduced capabilities

'An Everyday Story of Country Folk’ Online?

The marginalisation of the internet and social media in The Archers

Not so Liminal Now:

The importance of designing privacy features across a spectrum of use

Increasing Service Users’ Privacy Awareness by Introducing Online Interactive Privacy Features

Service Users’ Requirements for Tools to Support Effective Online Privacy and Consent Practices